Bangabandhu Corner

Bangabandhu Seikh Mujibur Rahman Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, affectionately known as “Bangabandhu”, holds a momentous place in the history of Bangladesh. He played a vital role in leading his nation to independence and shaping its destiny as an independent country. Born on March 17, 1920, in Tungipara. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman emerged as a charismatic leader and a stubborn force in the struggle for freedom and the founding of Bangladesh as an independent nation. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s unwavering dedication to the cause of Bengali nationalism, his charisma, and his commitment to social justice and democracy earned him the enduring love and respect of his people. His leadership during the Liberation War of 1971 remains an inspiration to the nation. Bangladesh owes its independence and national identity to the vision and courage of Bangabandhu, whose principles and ideals continue to guide the country toward progress and prosperity. Bangabandhu's contribution during his 55 years of life, fighting against the Pakistani rulers and achieving the independence of Bangladesh, cannot be erased. Even in the reconstruction of the country after independence, it has a great role. His success as a statesman from 1972 to August 15, 1975, was no not less. Some people have criticized some of his actions at this time. Even if those criticisms are taken for granted, the name of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib will be remembered as long as there is a state called 'Bangladesh' due to the establishment of an independent state for the Bengali nation called 'Bangladesh'. Even the contributions of other people in the history of Bangladesh's independence, no matter how small, cannot be erased by anyone. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib was not only the leader of the Awami League. Before the election of 1970, he became the leader of all freedom-loving Bengalis. That is why those who appreciate the soul of the liberation war in Bangladesh, Bangabandhu also. Denigrating him and his contribution is a distortion of history. Office work, business, transactions, agriculture, medicine, education, and many tasks of daily life are becoming fast and easy with the help of modern technology. Bangabandhu realized many years ago what we understand now. Bangabandhu's efforts to make education universal without restricting it to any class were noteworthy. He thought that education should be uniform, mass-oriented and universal i.e. education for all. No one will be illiterate everyone will be literate. The new generation will indorse and move forward with the ideals of Bangabandhu keeping in our hearts. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman worked for the formation of the East Pakistan Muslim Students League in1948 and the Awami Muslim League in June 1949. He was selected for the post of joint secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League in 1949. In 1953, Sheikh Mujib was elected general secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. Mujib also took inventiveness to drop the word 'Muslim' in 1955 in order to make clearness for secularism. He announced the Six-Point programme of regional autonomy at a conference of Pakistan's opposition parties in Lahore in February 1966. In May that year, he was arrested under the Defence of Pakistan Rules and he was charged with conspiracy to break up Pakistan what was given out as the Agartala Conspiracy Case in January 1968. Countrywide mass uprising compelled the government to withdraw the case of the Agartala conspiracy on February 22, 1969. The next day Bengali nation staged huge rally at the then Racecourse Maidan in which Sheikh Mujib was officially honoured as Bangabandhu. Bangabandhu led Awami League attained decisive victory in Pakistan's first general elections in December 1970. However, Pakistani rulers began to conspire against the Awami League and people of the then East Pakistan through which they denied to Awami League to form a government. His speech changed the course of the history and gave to millions of Bengali a new sense of direction for emancipation and independence. As the Pakistan army launched its genocide on March 25, 1971, Bangabandhu proclaimed Bangladesh's independence early on March 26. Pakistan Army arrested him and carried him to Karachi jail to be put on trial on charges of treason and gave him death sentence. Following the independence of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest Bengali of all time and Father of the Nation, gave instructions to grant collateral and interest-free loans to small or micro borrowers to protect their interests and develop the fate of the underprivileged. The first interest and collateral-free microcredit introduced in 1974 under a project named Rural Social Services (RSS). Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had just rewarded his life's dream of freeing his people and giving them an independent country before his assassination along with most of his family members, in the pre-dawn hours of August 15, 1975. The killers of August 15, 1975 and their complicities tried to erase his name from the history of Bangladesh. It is a fact that they could not succeed in this regard. The killers could not realize that history would not forget him. Even through this assassination his glorified contribution twinkling I the sky of Bangladesh. World leaders acclaimed Bangabandhu as a unique leader. Cuban leader Fidel Castro told in 1973 that he had not seen the Himalayas but seen Sheikh Mujib. "In personality and in courage, this man is the Himalayas." Manipur and Jharkhand former governor Ved Marwah wrote: "I have met many charismatic personalities during my service career, including Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and many world leaders, but I must say that among them Sheikh Mujib was the most charismatic personality I had met." Famed Egyptian journalist Hasnein Heikal wrote, "Sheikh Mujibur Rahman does not belong to Bangladesh alone. He is the harbinger of freedom for all Bengalis. His Bengali nationalism is the new emergence of the Bengali civilization and culture. Mujib is the hero of the Bengalis, in the past and in the times that are."

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